the Hot Rod Garage Dixon, IL |
Chris Davis' Wind Stats from Lakewood Subdivision. Lee County EMA Wind Stats from Wildcat Subdivision. Walton Road Wind Stats from Rt.26 & Rt.30.
Temperature |
40.2°F | |
Humidity |
96% |
Dewpoint |
39.2°F |
Wind, Average |
SE at 0.0 mph |
Barometer |
30.172 in & Steady |
Today's Rain, or snow melt |
0.01 in |
Rain Rate |
0.00 in/hr |
Storm Total |
0.00 in |
Monthly Rain |
0.44 in |
Yearly Rain |
32.43 in |
Wind Chill |
40.2°F |
THW Index |
40.3°F |
Air Density |
0.0794 lb/cu.ft |
Heat Index |
40.3°F |
Moon Phase |
Waning Crescent |
Forecast, based on readings only |
Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours |
High Temperature Low Temperature |
40.2°F at 8:45a 36.5°F at 1:20a |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
96% at 5:59a 93% at 12:02a |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
39.0°F at 8:02a 35.0°F at 12:02a |
High Wind Speed, |
6.0 mph at 2:39a |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
30.202 in at 12:41a 30.171 in at 7:49a |
High Rain Rate |
0.01 in/hr at 7:00a |
Low Wind Chill |
36.0°F at 12:49a |
High Heat Index |
40.0°F at 8:02a |